Witch bottle set with instructions German
Product.Nr.: 8950DE
Manufacturer: Anderswelt-Import
product description
Witch bottle set with instructions in five languages.
Witch bottles have been used since the 16th century to protect people and living spaces from harmful spells. Witch bottles are said to attract negative energies that are sent your way. The bent nails are then supposed to send the energy back to the transmitter.
Dimensions: 20 cm x 15 cm x 9.5 cm, bottle: 17 cm high 7.5 cm diameter, 500 ml
De-Hexenflaschen in fünf Sprachen 8950de,
FR-Bouteilles de Sorciere en cinq langues 8950fr,
IT-Bottiglie di Streghe in cinque lingue 8950it,
ES-Botellas de Bruja en cinco idiomas 8950es,
EN-Witch Bottles in five languages 8950en,
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Anderswelt-ImportE-Mail adress: andersweltimport@yahoo.de
Streetaddress: Steigstr. 15
ZIP Code: 89601
City: Schelklingen
Country: DE
Phone: 07394-916399
EU economic operator
Name: Anderswelt-Import Johannes ZugmaierE-Mail adress: andersweltimport@yahoo.de
Streetaddress: Steigstr. 15
ZIP Code: 89601
City: Schelklingen
Country: DE
Phone: 07394-916399